


Rebirth: I Want to Create a Mall - Mengyin Mall V1.0 Launched

The N+1 project of the MoeKoe series is here.
This is actually a project that has been delayed for several years, and this time I can finally fill the gap.

Here is the project address:

Why have I been working on projects?#

This question is quite interesting. Why have I been working on various projects that don't make money?
Those who have interacted with some of my previous projects know that I develop projects based on the principle of using them myself, and this time is no exception.
I have always wanted to sell those little things that I kept but found useless on some platform, while also sharing fun and interesting products with everyone (in the future, there may also be my own IP products).
"I want to share the most beautiful things with the most beautiful you."
Even if it's based on the principle of "if others have it, I want it too," I still need to have it.

If I just wanted to sell little things, why not go directly to platforms like Taobao or Xianyu? Even if I step back a thousand steps, I could build a ready-made mall system myself, as there are plenty of mature and easy-to-use systems on the market. Why develop it myself?

In a word, because I like it. This is my hobby; I enjoy creating and doing interesting things.
I want to be a powerful and interesting person, not just an ordinary person who merely exists. I want to meet more interesting souls.
My definition of being powerful is not about how skilled someone is technically or how much money they make, but rather about a person who can still smile and remain optimistic in the face of setbacks and difficulties, not forgetting their original intention. Such a person, I would call powerful.

Clearly, this is an article about launching a new project, but I've turned it into a plainspoken blog, haha.

Project Introduction#

What have I been working on recently?
I've been working on something cute and pastel, a magical girl mall in a 2D anime style.

Welcome to the magical girl's fantasy world, where you can embark on an adventure to explore the infinite possibilities of the 2D universe! This online mall is tailor-made for 2D enthusiasts. Here, you can find the shiniest magical items, the cutest transformation outfits, and a wide variety of 2D peripheral products. Whether you love adorable cute things or cool collectibles, this place can satisfy all your love and expectations for the 2D world!

When you open the website, you'll find a refreshing (pink) feeling. That's right, this is the style I want—cute, pastel, overflowing with girlishness, and kawaii vibes, which highlights my personality.

Tech Stack#

  • Vue.js3
  • Vite
  • Pinia
  • Axios
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Mysql
  • Nginx
  • Frontend and backend separation
  • MySQL thread pool

The Vue.js family is fantastic, saving me from the hassle of writing native code. Currently, the internationalization plugin (i18n) is not yet implemented. Since the UI libraries available on the market do not directly align with my project's positioning and personality, I did not use any ready-made interface libraries and relied entirely on my own coding.



  • Supports virtual currency USDT (just fill in the wallet address, automatically monitor the arrival, no external program needed, the monitoring system automatically starts with new orders, and goes to sleep after 30 minutes without new orders to reduce resource consumption)
  • Supports Alipay face-to-face payment, instant arrival, automatic callback
  • Supports user registration, login, logout, password modification, avatar modification, product reviews
  • Supports product management, product category management
  • Supports order management, order payment, order shipment, logistics inquiry
  • Supports product order data analysis
  • Fully responsive layout
  • Frontend and backend separation
  • MySQL thread pool
  • Basic system information settings


The first version only adds basic and necessary functions, and new features have already been considered during the design phase, with reservations made in the database and code (so when you see a button that doesn't respond when clicked, don't panic, because there is no code behind it). These will be added in future versions.
Currently, the mall sells physical goods, and in the future, virtual goods will be added, essentially merging the functions of MoeKoe Card directly into it.


I named this project "mall" instead of "shop," so it may become a mall in the future, rather than just a store.


  • Multi-vendor mode. Users can apply to settle in the mall as merchants, selling their own products through the MoeKoe mall.
  • More product categories. More specifications for products.
  • More payment methods. Currently, the author has no other payment permissions, only two have been integrated.
  • Support for virtual goods. This integrates the card issuing function.
  • Generation of product poster promotional images.
  • Email system. A notification function that is optional.
  • Multifunctional menu in the lower right corner. The smiley face below will become an intelligent navigation system.
  • Increase product interface data display. Data will be clear at a glance.
  • Multi-language support (i18n). Following the trend of internationalization, moving towards the world.
  • SMS system. Similar to the email system.
  • Redis caching. Originally planned to be added in this version, but data control is manageable.
  • Dark mode. Also following the trend.


How to obtain the source code?#

  1. Sponsor Ajujiang with 289 RMB or more to obtain the source code.
  2. For those who have previously sponsored Ajujiang
    (If the total amount sponsored previously is less than 289, a price difference needs to be made up; if it exceeds 289, just sponsor 1 yuan to re-sign the contract to obtain it directly)

Click here official community group to sponsor Ajujiang.
Since I can't post personal QQ links, I've provided the group link; just join the group and @ the group owner.


Why not set a commercial version?#

Why not set a commercial version but a sponsorship version? What's the difference?
A commercial version would require an authorization system and might not even provide the source code. It may also require technical support and more complete features.
The money from the commercial version goes to the project itself, creating a profit relationship with the author, a commercial contract model where the author is responsible to them (I particularly dislike this feeling; perhaps that's why I can't make money).

On the other hand, the sponsorship version supports the author personally, representing a personal willingness, a contractual model agreed upon between friends, where the author is only responsible for the project itself.

Of course, you might think I'm playing word games or exploiting loopholes. Well, this is purely a sponsorship behavior.
Although this time the sponsorship threshold has a bit of a commercial feel, it's because my wife and I need to make a living.



  • The sponsorship version provides Vue frontend source code + compiled static files + Node.js backend source files.
  • All sponsorship versions received are source files, with no encryption or obfuscation, so please do not leak them, as it also protects your own rights.
  • Modifying the source code requires a certain level of programming knowledge; if you don't know how, please do not modify it.
  • One-time deployment service for the Baota panel is provided.
  • The website's interface is more inclined to a cute girl style, which may not be suitable for mainstream products, so please be aware.
  • Because the code is replicable, once the contract is signed, it cannot be revoked; please understand.


This time, I still used the sponsorship version model to obtain the source code. Why have I opened up the source code access again?
It may be somewhat influenced by the previous MoeKoe community. The MoeKoe community took me over two months to carefully write, and I did not accept sponsorship to obtain the source code; it was purely self-operated. Those who wanted to sponsor were discouraged by me, although I eventually received a sponsorship.
In the end, I feel sorry for the MoeKoe community; I let it slip through my fingers and didn't let more people know of its existence.
So why not open source directly? I feel that would be even more disrespectful to this project, making it seem like something easily accessible, thus diminishing its value.
Although I haven't directly open-sourced it, I will share the project's related architecture, design ideas, and some code for reference, which does not affect everyone's learning.


In conclusion, this is still a plainspoken blog where I ask and answer myself, not really a new project launch event.
However, I think, isn't a blog supposed to be like this? I haven't spoken for a long time, and suddenly I have a lot to say.

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.