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[Note] Complete List of Common Git Commands
Date: 2018-6-16 Ajue Code Fiddling: 1796 views Comments: 4
Following the previous post, I took some time to organize a comprehensive list of commonly used Git commands and found a great mind map, which is very high-resolution (1759*3162).View, add, commit, delete, retrieve, and reset modified files
git help <command> # Display help for command
git show # Display the content of a specific commit git show $id
git co -- <file> # Discard changes in the working directory
git co . # Discard changes in the working directory
git add <file> # Stage modified working files
git add . # Stage all modified working files
git rm <file> # Remove a file from the version control system
git rm <file> --cached # Remove a file from the version control system, but keep the file
git reset <file> # Restore a file from the staging area to the working directory
git reset -- . # Restore files from the staging area to the working directory
git reset --hard # Restore the state of the most recent commit, discarding all changes made since the last commit
git ci <file> git ci . git ci -a # Combine git add, git rm, and git ci operations into one command git ci -am "some comments"
git ci --amend # Modify the last commit record
git revert <$id> # Restore the state of a specific commit, creating a new commit object for the restoration action itself
git revert HEAD # Restore the state of the last commit
View file differences
git diff <file> # Compare the differences between the current file and the staged file git diff
git diff <$id1> <$id2> # Compare the differences between two commits
git diff <branch1>..<branch2> # Compare between two branches
git diff --staged # Compare the differences between the staging area and the version control system
git diff --cached # Compare the differences between the staging area and the version control system
git diff --stat # Compare only the statistical information
View commit history
git log git log <file> # View the commit history of a specific file
git log -p <file> # View the detailed changes of each commit
git log -p -2 # View the detailed changes of the last two commits
git log --stat # View commit statistics
On Mac, you can use tig instead of diff and log, brew install tig
Git local branch management
View, switch, create, and delete branches
git br -r # View remote branches
git br <new_branch> # Create a new branch
git br -v # View the last commit information of each branch
git br --merged # View branches that have been merged into the current branch
git br --no-merged # View branches that have not been merged into the current branch
git co <branch> # Switch to a specific branch
git co -b <new_branch> # Create a new branch and switch to it
git co -b <new_branch> <branch> # Create a new_branch based on branch
git co $id # Checkout a specific historical commit record, without branch information. It will be automatically deleted when switching to another branch
git co $id -b <new_branch> # Checkout a specific historical commit record and create a branch
git br -d <branch> # Delete a branch
git br -D <branch> # Force delete a branch (force deletion is required when deleting an unmerged branch)
Branch merging and rebase
git merge <branch> # Merge the branch into the current branch
git merge origin/master --no-ff # Merge without Fast-Forward, which generates a merge commit
git rebase master <branch> # Rebase master onto branch, equivalent to: git co <branch> && git rebase master && git co master && git merge <branch>
Git patch management (convenient for synchronizing development on multiple machines)
git diff > ../sync.patch # Generate a patch
git apply ../sync.patch # Apply a patch
git apply --check ../sync.patch # Test if the patch can be successfully applied
Git stash management
git stash # Stash changes
git stash list # List all stashes
git stash apply # Restore stashed content
git stash drop # Delete stash
Git remote branch management
git pull # Fetch updates from remote repository and merge into local branch
git pull --no-ff # Fetch updates from remote repository and merge into local branch without fast-forward merge
git fetch origin # Fetch updates from remote repository
git merge origin/master # Merge remote master branch into current local branch
git co --track origin/branch # Track a remote branch and create a corresponding local branch
git co -b <local_branch> origin/<remote_branch> # Create a local branch based on a remote branch, same as above
git push # Push all branches
git push origin master # Push local master branch to remote master branch
git push -u origin master # Push local master branch to remote (create remote master branch if it doesn't exist, used for initializing remote repository)
git push origin <local_branch> # Create a remote branch, origin is the remote repository name
git push origin <local_branch>:<remote_branch> # Create a remote branch
git push origin :<remote_branch> # Delete a local branch (git br -d <branch>) and then push to delete the remote branch
Git remote repository management
git remote -v # View remote server address and repository name
git remote show origin # View remote server repository status
git remote add origin git@ github:robbin/robbin_site.git # Add remote repository address
git remote set-url origin git@ # Set remote repository address (used to modify remote repository address) git remote rm <repository> # Delete remote repository
Create a remote repository
git clone --bare robbin_site robbin_site.git # Create a bare version repository from a versioned project
scp -r my_project.git git@ # Upload the bare repository to the server
mkdir robbin_site.git && cd robbin_site.git && git --bare init # Create a bare repository on the server
git remote add origin git@ # Set remote repository address
git push -u origin master # Initial client submission
git push -u origin develop # Initial submission of local develop branch to remote develop branch, and track it
git remote set-head origin master # Set the HEAD of the remote repository to the master branch
You can also use commands to set up tracking between remote and local repositories
git branch --set-upstream master origin/master
git branch --set-upstream develop origin/develop
Friendly reminder: Open the image in a new window for a larger view
User Comments:
Derrick 3 years ago (2018-11-08)
Thank you for sharing.
Derrick 3 years ago (2018-11-08)
This article is reprinted by the master.
Yunnan Tea Network 3 years ago (2018-10-04)
The summary is really good.
mengkun 3 years ago (2018-06-24)
This is great! Bookmarked [#wb_dog9]